50 Years of Joyful Resistance: the History of CLVU (Event Video)

City Life/Vida Urbana (CLVU) shares its rich history of organizing in Boston to build the power of working class and BIPOC communities to fight for systematic change. Founded in 1973, and currently located in The Brewery, City Life is known for its anti displacement organizing, fighting unscrupulous landlords; defending families from foreclosures and evictions. The speakers include Denise Matthews (Co-Executive Director), Alma Chisholm (Board President) and Celine Voyard (Board member). Interpretation services were provided by Gabriela Herrera.

This event was held on February 4, 2024 at 2:00 p.m via Zoom. Click on the triangle below to watch the presentation. 

The presentation shows images of The CommUNITY News, an anti-Vietnam war publication, which we have digitized copies of online.

This infographic was developed by Felipe Álvarez (@felipfecit) based on this talk!