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Reading Frederick Douglass Together

  • Egleston Square Peace Garden Washington and School Streets Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 (map)

[En español abajo] We invite our community to gather for a bilingual community reading and discussion in English and Spanish of Frederick Douglass’s 1852 speech,“What to the Slave is Your Fourth of July?”

This will be the 5th annual Reading Frederick Douglass Together event in our neighborhood. The event will be co-moderated by Anne Hernández, School Social Worker, Boston Public Schools, and Adjunct Professor, Boston College School of Social Work as well as Josué Sakata, Assistant Director of History and Social Studies for Boston Public Schools. The reading and our conversation will open up dialogue about race, our history and context in the U.S. and the Caribbean, and what it means for us at this moment.

Speakers and seating will be arranged so as to promote physical distancing and COVID-19 safety. Please wear a mask and maintain at least 6 feet of distance from other attendees. Do not attend if you feel sick. Disposable masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer will be available.

Organized by Egleston Square Main Street, Egleston Square Neighborhood Association, and Robert Lawson Park Friends' Group. This program is funded in part by Mass Humanities, which receives support from the Mass Cultural Council and is an affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. The event is also supported with the generous sponsorship of the Jamaica Plain Historical Society.

Invitamos a nuestra comunidad a reunirse para una lectura y charla comunitaria bilingüe en inglés y español sobre el discurso de Frederick Douglass en 1852, "¿Qué significa el cuatro de julio para el esclavo?”

Este será el quinto evento anual de Leyendo Juntos a Frederick Douglass en nuestro vecindario. El evento será co-moderado por Anne Hernández, Trabajadora Social de las, Escuelas Públicas de Boston y Profesora Adjunta, Escuela de Trabajo Social de Boston University, así como Josué D. Sakata, Director Asistente de Historia y Estudios Sociales de las Escuelas Públicas de Boston. Ambos tienen conexiones con Egleston Square. La lectura y nuestra conversación abrirán el diálogo sobre la raza y nuestras historias y contextos en los EE. UU. Y el Caribe, y lo que significa para todos nosotros en este momento histórico.

Se dispondrán altavoces y asientos para promover el distanciamiento físico y la seguridad de COVID-19. Use mascarilla y mantenga al menos 6 pies de distancia de los demás. No asista si se siente enfermo. Mascarillas desechables, guantes y desinfectante para manos estarán disponibles.

Organizado por Egleston Square Main Street, Egleston Square Neighborhood Association y Robert Lawson Park Friends 'Group. Este programa está financiado en parte por Mass Humanities, que recibe apoyo del Mass Cultural Council y está afiliado a National Endowment for the Humanities. El evento también cuenta con el generoso patrocinio de la Jamaica Plain Historical Society.

Earlier Event: April 26
POSTPONED: The China Trade