During normal tour seasons, we pass copies of historic photos around for the group to look at. In an effort to avoid contact - we are offering these electronic images to accompany the tour instead.
Images for Green Street Tour
American Elm at the corner of Green Street and Rockview St. Oregon State University, Arthur Peck Collection.
A view down Williams Street from Call St. looking towards Washington St. The old elevated Orange Line T can be seen overhead. The green building is Doyle’s Cafe. Photograph copyright Ellen X. Silverberg. Used by permission. No use without written permission.
The Woolsey Block in 1895 was a four-story commercial block with Nelson's Grocery Store, the Jamaica Plain News Depot, and the West Roxbury Co-operative Bank. Courtesy of William Dillon.
The old Warren House (which stood on Centre) to the right is Greenview Ave.
A tag from the Hamilton Web company based in Wickford, RI addressed to L.H. Mahn, American Baseball Company. The tag was found at 1 Marlou Terrace. Image provided courtesy of Herb and Mary Nolan.
U.S. Post Office staff pose in front of the post office at the corner of Cheshire and Green Sts. Courtesy of Boston Public Library.
Articles to learn more about this area of Jamaica Plain:
Green St. Station (where Nirvana first played in Boston) at 131-135 Green Street. Formerly Kilgariff’s and The Bog were located here.