Ellicott Arch. Images in this gallery of Franklin Park postcards were furnished courtesy of Steve Hopley.

Postcard of Ellicott Cottage.

Front of Golf House, Franklin Park, ca. 1900

Rear of Golf House, Franklin Park, ca. 1900

Postcard of the healing spring

View of the Library

Refectory, Franklin Park, ca. 1900

Side view of the Library

The left front side of the Overlook

The Overlook (rear view)

The Overlook, right front view

The Playstead

The Rose Garden

View of Schoolmaster's Hill

Sheep grazing in Franklin Park

Toboganning at Franklin Park

The Tennis area of Franklin Park

Schoolmaster Hill

Bridge over the Pond, Franklin Park

Postcard of the Bird House, Franklin Park

This postcard is in the JPHS Archives and also available via Digital Commonwealth at https://ark.digitalcommonwealth.org/ark:/50959/gf06hb62v