Civil War cadets from Roxbury. Photograph from Jamaica Plain Historical Society archives.

Mary Curley School graduating class 1937. See full size image by clicking here.

Jamaica Plain High School Class of 1929 photograph. From the Jamaica Plain Historical Society archives. A high-resolution version of this photograph is available: http://archive.org/details/JamaicaPlainHighSchoolClass1929

Jamaica Plain High School class of 1930. Photograph courtesy of Catherine Maclean. A high-resolution version of this photograph is available for download here.

Vincent, Chester (top), and Violetta Latlippe pose on a roof on Ulner St., Jamaica Plain, 1932. Ulmer St. used to run between Minden and Arklow. You will find it at the very bottom of the page in the center on the 1899 Bromley map. The view is toward Mission Hill. Photograph courtesy of Jon Blake.

3-8th grades, graduation, Blessed Sacrament School, 1949. Download high-resolution image

Agassiz school, grade 4, circa 1915
Download full resolution image at: https://archive.org/details/agassiz-fourth-grade-circa-1915

Members of the Class of 1892 at the Jamacia Plain High School (formerly West Roxbury High) pose on the front steps of the school. Photograph courtesy of the West Roxbury Historical Society.

1925 Jamaica Plain High School Track Team Top row (left to right): Duffy - Coach, O'Brien - 50 yards, Thain - 50 yards, Garrity - 1000 yards, Dunkle - 300 yards, Ladeau - High Jump, Ziegerball -Manager. Middle row (left to right): Robinson - 350 yards, Shay - 1000 yards, Keenan - 600 yards, Costello - Captain/Hurdles, Regan - 50 yards, Simpson -220 yards, Galla- 220 yards. Bottom row (left to right): Blum - Broad Jump, Carmaeckle - 50 yards. Picture by Christiansen Photo. Image provided by Bob Dunkle (great grandson of the Dunkle pictured in the top row). Download high resolution file.

Graduates of the 1931 class of Jamaica Plain High School. Photograph courtesy of Eugene Smith. Jamaica Plain Historical Society archives. A high-resolution version of this photograph can be downloaded here.

St. Thomas Aquinas Grammar School Class of 1946 Names of those in the photo are available here. Courtesy of Peter O’Brien

The 1951 Kindergarten class at the Agassiz School. Shown in the rear row from left to right are Lorraine Lawson, Marie Coffee, Johna Panos, (name not known), William Annand, Susan Dean, Kathy Hourihan, (name not known), and Kevin Buckley. Shown in the front row from left to right are: (name not known), (name not known), (name not known), Mary Ann Walsh, (name not known), (name not known), Vincent Morgan, (name not known), Eleanor Hathaway, (name not known), and Ronald Grant. Photograph provided courtesy of Kathy Hourihan.

Mrs. White’s first grade class in 1952 at the Agassiz School. The photograph was taken behind the C.B. Rogers Phamaracy on Burroughs Street. Photograph courtesy of Kathy Hourihan.
A list of those pictured can be found here

Agassiz School class of Ms. H.M. Barry & Mr. E.P. Fitzgerald. 1952-1953. Grade 6 Fourth row: fifth, seventh, ninth, and tenth from left: Richard Bean, Juris Veidins, Michael Steele, and Paul Hinckley. Third row: second and seventh from left: Noreen Kopp and Constance Curtis. Second row: seventh and tenth from left: Jane VanZandt and Ann Topjian. Front row: third, fifth, sixth, and eighth from left: Robert Alquist, Arthur Tilley, Thomas Grady, and Michael Lennon
Courtesy of Art Tilley.

Grade six, room 2 class at the Agassiz School on Burroughs Street in Jamaica Plain. The teacher was Helen M. Barry and this photograph was taken on April 26, 1957. Click on the photograph to see a larger view of it.Photograph provided courtesy of Kathy Hourihan. A list of those pictured can be found here.

Margaret Fuller School. 1970. Photograph courtesy of Rick Goulet.

This image courtesy of the Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University https://iiif.lib.harvard.edu/manifests/view/ids:48328391$1i

Agassiz School Kindergarten, 1952 Courtesy of Kenneth Bailey. Top row (left to right): Unknown, Unknown, Joyce Sullivan, Jack Iveney, Claudia Marston, Mary Moore, Paul McMack, George Hathaway, Kenneth Bailey. Bottom row: Sharon Farrell, Unknown, Unknown, Joyce Thompson, Jean Kenton, Timothy Doyle, Christine Flynn, David MacDonald, Unknown

Agassiz School class of 1920. Jamaica Plain Historical Society Archives. Download high-resolution file.

Shown here is the 1931 class of the Lowell School, a junior high school at the corner of Centre and Mozart Streets in Jamaica Plain. This photograph was provided by Frank V. DeMont.

Fifth grade class of Miss Mary C. Moretti taken in 1949. Jamaica Plain Historical Society founder Walter Marx stands fourth from the left in the top row. Paul Rudd, standing in the far left of the second row down appeared in the 1978 feature film, The Betsy, and was a drama professor at The New School in New York City. Rudd also appeared on the 1970s soap operas Beacon Hill, Beulah Land, and Knots Landing. Photograph courtesy of Paul B. Gill, Jr.

Agassiz School class of 1925. Purchased by JPHS November 2007.

The Lowell School, 1948. Photograph courtesy of Jack Frost.

The Margaret Fuller School, 1947. Photograph courtesy of Jack Frost.

The Margaret Fuller School, 1946. Photograph courtesy of Jack Frost.

The Margaret Fuller School, 1945. Photograph courtesy of Jack Frost.

Fourth grade Agassiz School class of Miss Ora McDonnell taken in 1948. Students as numbered in the photograph listed here.
Photograph provided courtesy of Paul B. Gill, Jr. A high-resolution file of this photo can be downloaded here.

Kindergarten class of Miss Ferry at the Mary E. Curley Primary School in 1944. Photograph provided courtesy of Paul B. Gill, Jr. A high-resolution file of this photo can be downloaded here.

Mr. Paul B. Gill, the 46-year-old electrical shop teacher at the Mary E. Curley school, is flanked by members of his 1947 class. This was apparently a post-war adult education class that included returning servicemen as one student, Robert Livingston is noted on the back of the photograph as being a “photographer and pilot”. Other students shown are Joseph Lawton, Edmund Carlow, Joseph George, Walter Lyons, Albert di Giacomo, Russell Johanson, Eugene Doherty, Donald Strassel, William Johnson, Frank Kelley, Henry Corcoran, and John Bolanes. Photograph provided courtesy of Paul B. Gill, Jr. A high resolution .tif file of this photo can be downloaded here.

Second grade class of Miss Margaret McHugh at the Mary E. Curley Primary School in 1946. Photograph provided courtesy of Paul B. Gill, Jr. A high-resolution file of this photo can be downloaded here.

Third grade class of Miss Shea at the Mary E. Curley Primary School in 1947. Photograph provided courtesy of Paul B. Gill, Jr. A high-resolution file of this photo can be downloaded here.

First grade class of Miss Edwina Barry at the Mary E. Curley Primary School in 1945. Photograph provided courtesy of Paul B. Gill, Jr. A high-resolution file of this photo can be downloaded here.

St. Thomas Aquinas High School graduating class of 1936. Photograph donated by Jeanne Hartley, daughter of Rosalie M. Boyd. A high-resolution version of this photograph is available for download.

Ellis Mendell School, Kindergarten class of 1944. Photograph courtesy of Al Maze, shown at center. Download this photograph.

Mary E. Curley class of 1961. Photograph courtesy of Daniel Fagan.A high-resolution version of this image can be downloaded here.

Regan Youth League team in early 1970s. Bottom row (left to right): Eddie Casey, Billy Murray, Glen Tehan Top Row: John Connolly, Tommy Rogerson and behind is Coach Joe Devlin Photograph courtesy of Nancy Murray.

Bottom Row number 12: Billy Murray, David Mclean, Steve Dolan, Peter Coakley, Jackie Duggan, John Torchetti, Unknown, Kevin Rhodes, David Leblanc. Top Row: Ronnie Bushey, John Hanifian, Eric Berardi, Tom Marino, Steve Whalen, Eddie Riley (sideways), unknown, Tom Duggan, Carlos Dominquez, James Jennings, Paul Whalen, Coach Frankie Sinnott
Bill Murray notes that: “John Torchetti was an assistant coach with the Chicago Blackhawks and won the Stanley Cup."

St. Thomas Aquinas Class of 1940. Courtesy of Kenneth S. Bailey

Bowditch School circa 1900 from Stereoscope photograph. Photograph courtesy of Charlie Rosenberg.

Fuller School Rm. AK2 class of 1970

Agassiz School Kindergarten class of 1946-1947. Back row: third from left, Nancy Kendall. Front row: third from left, Arthur Tilley; ninth from left, Richard Bean; eleventh from left, Michael Lennon. Courtesy of Art Tilley.

Ms. Jennie Penta’s Agassiz School first grade class of 1947-1948.
Back row: second from left, Arthur Tilley; eleventh from left, Paul Hinckley Second row: first on left, Richard Bean Front row: second from left, Marjorie Guerney; third from left, Jane VanZandt; fifth from left, Nancy Kendall Courtesy of Art Tilley.

Ms. Mill’s Agassiz School second grade class of 1948-1949 Back row: first on left, Michael Lennon; Second row: first on left, Arthur Tilley; fourth from left, Paul Hinckley; Front row: sixth from left, Jane VanZandt Courtesy of Art Tilley.

Agassiz School class of Ms. Chambers, 1949 - 1950. Grade 3.
Back row: third from left, Arthur Tilley; eleventh from left, Paul Hinckley Middle row: third from left, Noreen Kopp Front Row: first on left, Marjorie Guerney; fifth, sixth, and seventh from left: Nancy Kendall, Jane VanZandt, and Anne Rock. Courtesy of Art Tilley

Agassiz School class of Ms. Charlotte Regele. 1950 - 1951. Grade 4
Back row: second from left, Paul Hinckley Third row: first and second from left: Noreen Kopp and Mae McLean Second row: fifth and sixth from left: Anne Rock and Constance Curtis Front row: sixth and seventh from left: Thomas Grady and Robert Grady; ninth from left, Arthur Tilley. Courtesy of Art Tilley

Agassiz School class of Ms. M.C. Moretti. 1951 - 1952. Grade 5. Fourth row: second, sixth, and eleventh from left: Juris Veidens, Richard Bean, and Robert Alquist Third row: sixth and seventh from left: Noreen Kopp and Mae McLean Second row: third, sixth, seventh, and tenth from left: Anne Rock, Jane VanZandt, Nancy Kendall, Marjorie Guerney Front Row: third, sixth, and seventh from left: Michael Steele, Thomas Grady, and Arthur Tilley Courtesy of Art Tilley

Blessed Sacrament School 1958 8th grade. Courtesy of Robert Albee.

Blessed Sacrament School 1958 8th grade. Courtesy of Robert Albee.

Mary E. Curley Junior High School class of 1960. Photograph courtesy of Ann Finch Albee. A larger version of this photo is available here.

1930s Curley School photograph. Charles Chadwick is shown second from left in top row. Photograph donated to Jamaica Plain Historical Society by Linda Stufflebean.

1930s Curley School photograph. Charles Chadwick is shown fourth from right in top row. Photograph donated to Jamaica Plain Historical Society by Linda Stufflebean.

1930s Curley School photograph. Charles Chadwick is shown second from right in top row. Photograph donated to Jamaica Plain Historical Society by Linda Stufflebean.

1930s Curley School photograph. Charles Chadwick is shown fourth from right in top row. Photograph donated to Jamaica Plain Historical Society by Linda Stufflebean.

1930s Curley School photograph. Charles Chadwick is shown third from right in top row. Photograph donated to Jamaica Plain Historical Society by Linda Stufflebean.

The 1949 Blue Devils Football team at Murphy Playground on Carolina Ave. Front, left to right: Joe MacDougall, George Mouradian, Frank Sayers Middle, left to right: Tom Boughter, Frank Crowley, Frank Keough, Jim Donahue, Richie Mazzocca, Ed Daily, John Galvin Back, left to right: George Maloney, Bill Delaney, Bob Matthews, Peter O’Brien, George Snyder, Tom Mellett, John Cirino, Jack Carey Photograph courtesy of Peter O’Brien.

The St. Thomas Junior Team of Jamaica Plain won the divisional C.Y.O championship at the Carolina Avenue grounds by staging a brilliant last inning rally to edge Our Lady of Lourdes, 6-5. Behind 5-4 entering the last frame, Gambon opened the victory drive with a line single to center, and after Buckley flied to short right and Pacella fanned, scored the equalizer when Diggins tripled. Foxx Gately, with 3-2 count, then applied the Frank Merriwell finish with a long drive to left center scorring Diggins. Shown in the photograph are: front row (left to right) Pignat, McPherson, Pacella, Mulhern, Cunniff, Buckley, Gaffney, and McCarthy. Back row: Tracy, manager; Gately, Diggins, Rev. Fr. Maurice J. Flynn, Carty, O’Halloran, and Gambon. Photograph (circa 1941) courtesy of Joseph “Harry” Fitzgerald.

Jamaica Plain High School Class of 1929. See full size photograph by clicking here.

Jamaica Plain High School Class of 1930. See full size photograph here.

Our Lady of Lourdes 1926. See full resolution image here.

The Most Reverend Joseph F. Maguire is shown in this undated photograph with the Blessed Sacrament CYO baseball team. Some of the people listed in the photo are; second baseman Jackie Young, scorekeeper John O’Donnell, pitcher Thomas E. Buckley, Lefty Galvin, shortstop Don Lamb, catcher Jack Stanton, Russell F. Mahoney and third baseman Mal Maloney. Photograph courtesy of Patricia Geary of Braintree, Mass.

The Most Reverend Joseph F. Maguire is shown in this undated photograph with a group of men of Blessed Sacrament Parish meeting with an unidentified official. Father Maguire was born on Mission Hill, Roxbury, on September 4, 1919. He served in Blessed Sacrament Parish, Jamaica Plain, from 1948 to 1960. In 1977 he became fifth Bishop of Springfield, Mass. He died on November 23, 2014, at the age of 95. Photograph courtesy of Patricia Geary of Braintree, Mass.

The Child Street Eagles, circa 1946 Front Row, left to right:
Joe Patterson, Fran Keohane, Joe McDougall, Mr. Kelledy, Dick Kelledy, Larry Kelledy and Cornelius Keohane Back Row, left to right: John Keaney, George Mouradian, Paul O’Connor, Mike Flynn, Bernie Panos

Fifth grade class, Lowell School, Jamaica Plain, 1930. Photograph courtesy of Jon Blake.

Fifth grade class, Lowell School, Jamaica Plain, 1929. Photograph courtesy of Jon Blake.

Fourth grade class, Lowell School, Jamaica Plain, 1928. Photograph courtesy of Jon Blake.

Fourth grade class, Lucretia Crocker School, Jamaica Plain, 1927. Photograph courtesy of Jon Blake.

Sixth grade class, Lowell School, Jamaica Plain, 1930. Photograph courtesy of Jon Blake.

St. John’s Parish Boy Scout Troop 4, 1932. Photograph courtesy of Jon Blake.

Third grade class, Lucretia Crocker School, Jamaica Plain, 1927. Photograph courtesy of Jon Blake.

A class gathers on the steps of the Margaret Fuller School in Jamaica Plain in 1943 or 1944. In the top row (left to right) are Frankie Finn, Michael Scipione, and Paul Andrews. Jimmy Talaniari is third from the right in the top row. In the bottom row (from left to right) are Nancy Malloy, Marilyn ???, Paula Dorion, and Marilyn Heisman. Photograph courtesy of Cathy Andrews.

Firemen outside of Engine Company 28 on Centre Street. This building currently houses J.P. Licks. Courtesy of Jamaica Plain Branch of the Boston Public Library.

Agassiz School Kindergarten Class, 1949
Photo courtesy of Eileen Belanger, fourth from the left in the top row.

St Thomas CYO 1955 New England Intermediate Champions. Photo taken at Hartford, CT. Rear L to R: Walter McSwiney, Jack Lydon, Paul Hall, Nick Gill, Fran McDonough, Mike Scipione, Joe Harnet, Jimmy Grady. Middle L to R: George F. Haskell, Jim Welch, Ray Fitzgerald, Father Kerrivan, Frannie Costello, Dave McAvoy, Richie Shea, George C. Haskell. Front Center: Joe Barrett

1952 Parkview team. Photograph courtesy of Peter O’Brien

Agassiz District Youth Orchestra 1959-1960. Image courtesy of Henry Scannell.

Agassiz District Youth Orchestra circa 1961. Image courtesy of Henry Scannell.

Miss Seeger’s School class circa 1930-5. Back of image lists names. Image courtesy of Henry Scannell.

Graduation from Miss Seeger’s School 1933. Back of the image lists name. Photograph courtesy of Henry Scannell.

Staff Members at Miss Seeger's School (circa 1930-1935)
Teachers from the school gather on the steps. Image courtesy of Henry Scannell.

Students at Miss Seeger's School (circa 1930-1935)
A group of graduates. Image courtesy of Henry Scannell.

Children at the Mt. Hope Home. The North End Mission ran a summer camp for city children from 1873-1923 in the area of today’s Goodway Road. Image courtesy of the Digital Commonwealth.

Curley School, 1976, Room 405

Bowditch School, 1918

From the Leon Abdalian collection of the Boston Public Library a photo taken May 7, 1956 and labelled: Forest Hill Cemetery employees. Ethel "Gallie" Galbraith, Davenport, Nuccia, and Donovan. Additional FHC staff photos are available from Digital Commonwealth
![Photo from the Leon Abdalian collection of the Boston Public Library of labelled: Forest Hill Cemetery employees. [Charles H.] Fox, [Daniel] Campagna, with cap, and straw hat. More images of FHC staff are available at the Digital Commonwealth.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/599df1b6f7e0ab22dd624cb9/1611947588590-NT60NOG2Z44B5YBQVJKP/image-asset.jpeg)
Photo from the Leon Abdalian collection of the Boston Public Library of labelled: Forest Hill Cemetery employees. [Charles H.] Fox, [Daniel] Campagna, with cap, and straw hat. More images of FHC staff are available at the Digital Commonwealth.

Jamaica Plain High School Drill Day: May 5, 1937. This image was taken on the Carolina Avenue Playground and comes from the Digital Commonwealth collection https://www.digitalcommonwealth.org/search/commonwealth:6395xc149

Grade 3 class at Wyman School, Jamaica Plain, 1962-1963. Courtesty of Patty Lieber

Wyman School 1961-1962 Grade 2, Jamaica Plain, MA. Courtesy of Patty Lieber

Lowell School 1961 Grade 1. Jamaica Plain, MA. Courtesy of Patty Lieber.

Saint Thomas Aquinas Fourth Grade class 1959-60. Image courtesy of Jim Walker.

Saint Thomas Aquinas Sixth Grade class 1962-63. Image courtesy of Jim Walker.

Saint Thomas Aquinas Seventh Grade class 1962-63. Image courtesy of Jim Walker.

Saint Thomas Aquinas Eighth Grade class 1963-64. Image courtesy of Jim Walker.

Bowditch School, 1917 Download

English High Football team circa 1919. Download

Eighth-grade graduation, St. Thomas Parish, Leo XIII School.

Francis Parkman School class of 1917

Circa 1940s Jamaica Plain baseball team

Kindergarten class at the Mary E. Curley School 1944. This group includes Joy Fisher whose story is available here https://www.jphs.org/locales/2023/3/20/the-history-of-48-rockview-street

Mary E. Curley School First Grade Class in 1945. This image features Joy Fisher whose story is available here https://www.jphs.org/locales/2023/3/20/the-history-of-48-rockview-street#gsc.tab=0

Mary E. Curley School Second Grade Class in 1946. This image features Joy Fisher whose story is available here: https://www.jphs.org/locales/2023/3/20/the-history-of-48-rockview-street#gsc.tab=0

Curley Third Grade 1947

Agassiz 4th Grade 1948

Agassiz 5th Grade 1949

Agassiz 6th Grade 1950

![Photo from the Leon Abdalian collection of the Boston Public Library of labelled: Forest Hill Cemetery employees. [Charles H.] Fox, [Daniel] Campagna, with cap, and straw hat. More images of FHC staff are available at the Digital Commonwealth.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/599df1b6f7e0ab22dd624cb9/1611947588590-NT60NOG2Z44B5YBQVJKP/image-asset.jpeg)