Aerial photograph of Forest Hills, 2010. Courtesy of Google Maps.

Aerial photograph of Forest Hills. 1929. Boston Public Library Print Dept.

Jacob W. Seaver Mansion. Postcard ca 1905. Owned by Mark Bulger, from Remember Jamaica Plain? February 11, 2008.

1834 Boston and Providence Railroad coach. St. Louis Museum of Transportation. Mark Bulger, Remember Jamaica Plain? March 16, 2012.

1858 Boston and Providence Railroad Locomotive. Built by David Gtiggs at his Ruggles St. shop. St Louis Museum of Transportation, Mark Bulger, Remember Jamaica Plain? March 16, 2012

Double lot of Franklin Weld. Forest Hills Cemetery. Photograph by Richard Heath.

Benjamin Bussey. Gilbert Stuart painting, 1809. Reproduced in Dedham Historical Register, July 1, 1899 Vol V, No. 3

The Bussey Institute Building was built in 1871. The Boston Globe, September 12, 1899. More on the Bussey Institute: https://archive.org/details/busseyinstitutio00bost

Remaining buildings of the Bussey Institute with original boundary wall on South Street. Buildings built in 1905, including the stable on the left. Photograph by Richard Heath.

11 has dearborn portrait.jpg
Henry A.S. Dearborn. A copy painted about 1861 by Jane Stuart allegedly from a painting by her father Gilbert. Owned by the Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Photograph by Richard Heath

Forest Hills Cemetery Entrance Gate and Snowflake Hill Belltower. Photograph by Richard Heath

Metropolitan Street Railway car about 1880 outside the South Street carbarn. Boston Public Library Print Dept. Images of America: Jamaica Plain, by Anthony Sammarco, 1997. pg 121

Inbound Green Line streetcar and the Forest Hills viaduct about 1980. The Elevated balustrade can be glimpsed in the background. Not a square inch in this photograph remains today. Jamaica Plain Historical Society.

Forest Hills Viaduct and the Arborway. ca 1905. Boston Public Library “postcard collection”.

Forest Hills Viaduct and railroad station. The Boston Globe, May 10, 1897.

Forest Hills Viaduct and railroad station. Postcard owned by Richard Heath

Construction begins on Forest Hills Terminal 1908. Photograph from Rollsign, Sept. - Oct., 1984.

Forest Hills Terminal and Arborway Court ca 1910 Postcard owned by Mark Bulger, Remember Jamaica Plain? November 1, 2007

Architect Edmund Wheelwright, ca 1876. Harvard University “Photo Archives”

Forest Hills Terminal about 1910. Designed by EdmundWheelwright. Boston Public Library Print Department

1929 aerial photograph detail showing Arborway Court, adjoining parking lot and north and southbound railroad stations.

Fordham Court. Photograph by Richard Heath

James G. Hutchinson autograph.

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Forest Hills Terminal 1909. Library of Congress HAER photo

Forest Hills Terminal 2012. Photograph by Richard Heath

Forest Hills Square, ca 1905, Minton Building and Morton Block. Boston Public Library Print Department.

Morton’s Market with adjoining stores and apartments circa 1900. West Roxbury Historical Society

Forest Hills Square in 1899 showing the congestion. The Boston Globe, October 23, 1899.

Moving the Seaver storefronts in 1900. The Boston Globe, Apri1 4, 1900

Forest Hills Square from the railroad platform with Seaver storefronts and streetcar lines, 1906. Boston Public Library Print Dept.

Minton Building and 18 Hyde Park Avenue Block at corner of Woodlawn St. Photograph by Richard Heath

Minton Building. Photograph by Richard Heath

Seaver Stores. Photograph by Richard Heath

1929 aerial photo. Detail showing the Morton block oval with Tollgate Inn and Forest Hills Hotel. Boston Public Library Print Department

Tollgate Inn. Images of America: Jamaica Plain, page 115. Photo courtesy of David Rooney.

Seaver Stores 3696-3706 Washington Street. Photograph by Richard Heath

Seaver Stores 3696-3698 Washington Street. Photograph by Richard Heath

The Arborway, before the Casey Overpass. Boston Public Library Print Department

Ramsdell Parking Lot and filling station with Forest Hills Terminal circa 1940. Photograph from the West Roxbury Historical Society.

Elevated Viaduct, the Arborway with Ramsdell’s Gas Station in the background. City of Boston Archives

Construction of the Casey Overpass in 1952-1953. Jamaica Plain Historical Society Photo Gallery. Ed Barrett photograph.

Construction of the Casey Overpass at Forest Hills in 1953. Jamaica Plain Historical Society

The Casey Overpass in 2012. Photograph by Richard Heath

The Arborway Yard on June 27, 1967. Photograph by David Wilson/Flickr

Hyde Park Avenue switching yard looking north in 1982. The empty oval in the center used to be the Forest Hills Hotel Tollgate Inn and Morton Block. Library of Congress HAER photograph.

Entering Forest Hills Station in 1979. Frank’s Photography Site, Washington St. Elevated, Part 2

The most famous graffiti in the history of Jamaica Plain and Roxbury. Circa 1970. Photograph MBTA

Buldover with Stop I-95 graffiti in background. Photo by Edwina Cloherty.

Architect Charles Redmon at the opening of Forest Hills Terminal, May 2, 1987. Photograph by Richard Heath

Forest Hills Station, 2012. Designed by Charles Redmon and Cambridge Seven Associates. Photograph by Richard Heath

Weld Hill Street Homes, Built 1894-1895. Photograph by Richard Heath

76 Weld Hill built by 1895. Photograph by Richard Heath

Woodlawn Street. Photograph by Richard Heath

80 Woodlawn Street. Built circa 1870. Moved to the top of Woodlawn St. by 1899. Photograph by Richard Heath

17 Tower Street. Built in 1905. Murray and Hutchinson architects. Photograph by Richard Heath

33 Tower Street. Built in 1910. Jacob Liuppold, architect. Photograph by Richard Heath

27 Asticou Road. Built in 1906. Eugene Schwender architect. Photograph by Richard Heath

11- 15- 19 Asticou Road Homes. Photograph by Richard Heath

Orchardhill Road Homes. Built in 1928. Harold Duffie architect. Photograph by Richard Heath

One Lennoco Road. Built in 1930. Albin Brodin architect. Photograph by Richard Heath

Covenant Congregational Church. Built in 1936. Photograph by Richard Heath

St Andrews Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Built in 1958. Photograph by Richard Heath

40 and 41 Orchardhill Road. Photograph by Richard Heath

41 Orchardhill Road Built in 1899. Erwin S. Wester Architect. Photograph by Richard Heath

40 Orchardhill Road built about 1849. Photograph by Richard Heath

Roxbury District Court. Built in 1923. Richard Shaw architect. Photograph by Richard Heath

116-118-120 Hyde Park Avenue. Photograph by Richard Heath

11- 15 Asticou Road with Forest Hills Station Clocktower. Photograph by Richard Heath

Temporary Road between new and old Forest Hills stations 1987. Jamaica Plain Citizen, December 10, 1987, Reggie Sheffield photograph.

Forest Hills Terminal and Boston and Providence Railroad Station, ca 1909. Library of Congress HAER Photograph.

Excavation for new Washington Street at Asticou Road in 1985. Jamaica Plain Citizen, August 8, 1985

Demolition of Forest Hills Terminal, February 20, 1988. Photograph by Richard Heath

Demolition of the elevated switching tracks on Hyde Park Avenue in December of 1987. Jamaica Plain Citizen, December 10, 1987

THE TWO FOREST HILLS VIADUCTS; TRAIN AND ELEVATED. November, 1983. Photograph by Richard Heath

IMPLOSION OF THE FOREST HILLS VIADUCT. November, 1983. Photograh by Richard Heath.

The Orange Line boat deck with a train entering Forest Hills station in April, 2012. In 1960 this had beenfreight yards, coal sheds and rail sidings. Photograph by Richard Heath

Removal of the Forest Hills railroad causeway at South Street and St. Ann Street near Asticou. The Walk Hill Street bridge in the background had yet to come down. Present day New Washington goes through this section today with the station and busway on the left. Photograph taken in April, 1980 by Richard Heath and used with permission.

Demolition of the Casey Overpass in July 2015. Photo by Richard Heath.

Traffic moves on the new parkway in August 2017. Photo by Richard Heath.

Shea Circle at Franklin Park in 2014. Photo by Richard Heath

The new Shea Square, summer 2018 Photo by Richard Heath

Original busway as designed by Cambridge Seven. March 2015. Photo by Richard Heath

New bus canopy being built in 2018. Photo by Richard Heath

New Forest Hills Upper Deck bus canopy being built summer 2018. Taken from Hyde Park Ave. Photo by Richard Heath.

The completed new bus canopy as seen from Hyde Park Ave in December 2018. Photo by Richard Heath.

Forest Hills bus platform under construction in the summer of 2016. Photo by Richard Heath.

The North headhouse at the Southwest Corridor park in 2019. Photo by Richard Heath.

Metro Mark which opened in 2017 (from Washington Street). Photo by Richard Heath.

The A+O Flats building opened in 2020 at Hyde Park Avenue and Ukraine Way. Photo by Richard Heath.